Find the Right Billing Plan

Gift Card Pro offers 4 flexible billing plans, so that you can find the right plan level for your size of business.

Information regarding the features available for each plan can be found on our app listing page.

Once you have decided on the right plan, you can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time by navigating to Gift Card Pro -> Billing.

On the billing page, select the plan you wish to use. You will then be redirected through the Shopify billing process, and back to the app when complete. This must be done while logged in as the “Store Owner” account in Shopify, as billing must be approved by the owner of the Shopify account.

How does billing work on your store for Gift Card Pro?

Run on a 30-day cycle, each plan level has 2 separate charges: a fixed rate monthly subscription price, and a usage based price.

The fixed monthly rate is charged once per month.

The usage based price, similarly charged once, is calculated based upon your total Gift Card sales volume, as well the total number of SMS messages sent.

So how exactly is usage based charging calculated?

For the total Gift Card sales volume, this is calculated as a percent of the total dollar value of gift cards that your customers have purchased on your store.

For instance, if you are on the Standard plan level, the usage based price is 1.5% of Total Gift Card Volume.

This means that if your customers purchase $1,000 worth of Gift Cards during the 30-day cycle, $15 dollars will be added to your monthly bill ($1,000 x 1.5% = $15).

The usage based price drops in percent on each plan level, with the Enterprise plan level only charging 0.5% of Total Gift Card Volume.

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